It’s Tuesday night, April 29, 2008 and I’m sitting on my bed in my room at the famous La Costa Resort north of San Diego. Kelly is here managing a conference for the business that she directs and I’m the official babysitter since last night through Thursday morning when Kelly’s Mom shows up to take over.
I take a short break from my writing to check out the baby monitor to see how my granddaughter Avery is sleeping. This is really a cool device. A remote camera pointed at Avery so I can watch her even though I am in another room. She is sleeping like a log. Kelly showed me how to swaddle her in this straight jacket like device that keeps her from swinging her arms and legs around. It really works. She doesn’t roll around and swing her arms about knocking herself in the head and waking herself up. She just lays there in her cocoon and is completely passed out.
We really enjoyed ourselves today. I just liking holding her and walking around with her on my shoulder. Then I put her in her swing chair and it rocks her and plays music. She coos and smiles and even laughs on her own. Of course there are the persistent diaper changes and the taking her to Mom to get fed and then burping her and then walking her till she falls asleep to wake up and start all over again. There are those magical moments when she is awake and looking deep into you and smiling and it just melts your heart. It’s an amazing communication, soul to soul, heart to heart, eyes to eyes. I melt into her gaze and smile back and sing to her.
I’ve tried to capture some of these moments in pictures. Our first meeting, our afternoon together, her communications while lying on her back in her crib. I wish I could have captured us as I took her around the grounds in her stroller. She soaked up the scenery and the people like a little sponge. It was especially fun to take her to Kelly for an afternoon feeding and all of Kelly’s co-workers came out to greet us and ooh and ah at baby Avery. I loved walking her around in the stroller. It was great exercise for me and great fun for Avery. We even saw a bunny in the courtyard outside our room.
I will conclude tonight’s adventures with a poem to baby Avery.
She’s sweetness and light made of sugar and spice
When she smiles, she lights up the world
She’ll tickle your soul with those big deep blue eyes
And melt your heart with tingling laughter
The purest love from ages old flows through her veins
And angels and fairies and elves bow before her
What joy, the heaven’s resound, to have Avery here
Amongst all these people who love and celebrate her life
I am humbled and honored to have held her and rocked her
In my arms, grandmother’s arms overflowing with infinite love
Avery you make me want to grow old with you
And share the secrets of the universe that only a grandmother knows
Eye to eye, heart to heart, soul to soul our dance has just begun
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