Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday Morning May 30, 2010

A spider is crawling along the edge of my table outside and it is so pretty. It has yellow accent stripes on it’s small back and they accent the shape of it’s body. I wonder if it is a boy or a girl?
Sun is shining on my roof but the deck is still in shade and a warm breeze blows lightly kissing the tree tops. I’m awaiting the arrival of the bees on the giant shrubs that hang over my back fence. They are usually here by now when the sun hits them and I’m worried they won’t show up this year. Tiny little bees sucking the nectar of the tiny white flowers that these shrubs produce in mass. It’s been a cooler than normal spring and the cold upwelling of the ocean is not helping matters. But the food rich upwelling is wonderful for all the sea life so I won’t complain.
I’m wearing my soft new cotton jersey blend pjs and they remind me of spring too. Blue and green patterns swirling around my legs make it look like they could sprout a flower at any moment.
Black birds caw in the background and I can hear a car drive by and a plane overhead. It is a glorious morning to be alive. I can’t decide which to do first – work on the irrigation or work on the ditch? Repot plants or dig up the yard and put down mulch? Or maybe just sit outside and read a book? It’s Sunday after all and I want to savor the day to it’s fullest. Maybe I could work on my book for a few minutes and see what it brings forward. It’s such a lovely morning to be creative.
The sun warms the back of my chair and when I lean back I can see it peeking over the tree top. It will start to shine on the deck any minute and warm the tomato plant hanging upside down in it’s new planter hanging from a tree.
This is one of my favorite times of year when I can sit outside on the deck in the morning sun and contemplate my day.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Susan's New Bike

I love my bike. It’s three weeks old and out of the last twelve work days, I’ve biked and bused to work 9 days. I haven’t put any gas in my car in a month! I love my bike.
It all started when gas prices reached $4.00 a gallon. Even though my Honda Civic is very frugal with gas, I was still paying between $140 and $160 a month for gas. It really was bothering me and I kept putting off doing anything about it. My friends and family know about my commitment to the environment and it just didn’t seem right to drive to work every day by myself. Then gas got to $4.50 a gallon. That was the week I went to my local bike shop and bought my bike from Walter at Wally’s bike shop in San Luis Obispo. It was time to walk ( or bike) the talk and I wish I’d done it sooner.
Walter is from Guatemala, one of my favorite travel destinations, and I met him and his wife through a mutual friend. He was a great help several years ago when he steered me towards a friend of his who sold me my Honda. He is also an expert when it comes to bikes and bike repairs and he was the perfect person to go to when I was ready to buy a bike. Walter questioned me on my bike experience (none since age 6!) and what I planned to do with the bike. Based on my answers (little experience and a need for a comfortable bike with few gears to ride to work), he had me test several bikes. The Sun Cruz by Sun bikes with just three gears had the most comfortable sit I’ve ever ridden on and it was the perfect color blue. It wasn’t a bad thing either to have Sun on my bike since I sell Solar Electric products! He put on a bell, reflectors and a basket, and sold me a lock. I was all ready to go except I needed a helmet. Thanks to my friend Diana, I had a helmet on loan the next day. The day after that I ventured on my first day of biking and busing. That’s how it all began. One quick decision and now I’m hooked on biking. I now have my own helmet and I’ve added a back rack and 2 saddlebags so I don’t have to wear a back pack and over load the front basket. I can now bike to the grocery store – only 6 blocks away – and buy staples. I also now bike to downtown Morro Bay just for the ride and have a cup of coffee or visit the local bookstore.
Bike riding puts you in a different universe from driving cars. I ride a bike path each day where Eucalyptus trees hover over you and exude their perfume. The lizards don’t move as you bike by because they know you won’t run over them. Birds sit in the trees and sing to you. Other bikers smile at you and say hi as you pass them. On one of my trips from work to the bus stop to go home, three young women on a bench on Osos street cheered me on! Every time I bike down the hill on Quintana road I feel like I’m on the dip of a roller coaster. I can challenge myself to go a little further up that hill – something I just don’t have to do with my car. You become familiar with every nuance of the road – where the slight dips and rises are and which is the best route to take on busy days. I am amazed that it’s quicker to bike places in San Luis Obispo than drive – my first trip from work to the bank downtown and back took less then 15 minutes. I would still be at a stop sign or light with my car. I now even venture into traffic to make left turns instead of using the crosswalks. Today I biked my first hill without having to get off and walk. By the end of next week I should be biking all the way up the small, slow graded, hill to my home. Again, these are things I don’t even think about in my car.
Biking makes me think about my son Erick when he was little and seemed to be on his bike all the time. The picture of him covered in poison oak but on his bike in our driveway came to me the other day. Then I think about my brother Art who biked across country in his fifties and now I know why. I think about the sleek English Racer my parents bought me for my 6th birthday. I didn’t ride it much because that was the year I also got a horse. You have time to think when biking and enjoy the scenery too. I’ve even been thinking of taking the bus to Cambria (about 18 miles north) and biking back to Morro Bay. That will be my challenge for August. I am grateful that all the regional buses have bus racks. Our regional rideshare program lets me track my bike/bus use and each month they give away a $150 visa card to one of the participants. I think about winning that too.
I’m off to Guatemala in two weeks and I will miss my bike. She’ll be parked in my garage taking a rest. So I’m leaving a few pictures of me and my bike on my blog to look at while I’m in Central America and for my friends and family to enjoy. My advice to everyone is try biking – you’ll love it.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nonna SQ & Avery in San Diego 04/08

It’s Tuesday night, April 29, 2008 and I’m sitting on my bed in my room at the famous La Costa Resort north of San Diego. Kelly is here managing a conference for the business that she directs and I’m the official babysitter since last night through Thursday morning when Kelly’s Mom shows up to take over.
I take a short break from my writing to check out the baby monitor to see how my granddaughter Avery is sleeping. This is really a cool device. A remote camera pointed at Avery so I can watch her even though I am in another room. She is sleeping like a log. Kelly showed me how to swaddle her in this straight jacket like device that keeps her from swinging her arms and legs around. It really works. She doesn’t roll around and swing her arms about knocking herself in the head and waking herself up. She just lays there in her cocoon and is completely passed out.
We really enjoyed ourselves today. I just liking holding her and walking around with her on my shoulder. Then I put her in her swing chair and it rocks her and plays music. She coos and smiles and even laughs on her own. Of course there are the persistent diaper changes and the taking her to Mom to get fed and then burping her and then walking her till she falls asleep to wake up and start all over again. There are those magical moments when she is awake and looking deep into you and smiling and it just melts your heart. It’s an amazing communication, soul to soul, heart to heart, eyes to eyes. I melt into her gaze and smile back and sing to her.
I’ve tried to capture some of these moments in pictures. Our first meeting, our afternoon together, her communications while lying on her back in her crib. I wish I could have captured us as I took her around the grounds in her stroller. She soaked up the scenery and the people like a little sponge. It was especially fun to take her to Kelly for an afternoon feeding and all of Kelly’s co-workers came out to greet us and ooh and ah at baby Avery. I loved walking her around in the stroller. It was great exercise for me and great fun for Avery. We even saw a bunny in the courtyard outside our room.
I will conclude tonight’s adventures with a poem to baby Avery.

She’s sweetness and light made of sugar and spice
When she smiles, she lights up the world
She’ll tickle your soul with those big deep blue eyes
And melt your heart with tingling laughter
The purest love from ages old flows through her veins
And angels and fairies and elves bow before her
What joy, the heaven’s resound, to have Avery here
Amongst all these people who love and celebrate her life
I am humbled and honored to have held her and rocked her
In my arms, grandmother’s arms overflowing with infinite love
Avery you make me want to grow old with you
And share the secrets of the universe that only a grandmother knows
Eye to eye, heart to heart, soul to soul our dance has just begun

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Welcome to Planet Earth Avery Eloise Mullen

Avery in Utero at approximately 4 months

Avery just after birth

Avery and the proud father, Erick

I write this in honor of my grand daughter, Avery Elosie Mullen, born on March 3, 2008 at 4:32 PM EST at Sibley Hosipital in Washington, DC to Kelly and Erick. Avery weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 21 inches long.
She is an amazingly beautiful black haired baby girl with the most beautiful skin I have ever seen on a baby. Of course I am bias but really doesn’t she have amazing skin! Kelly braved the rigors of giving birth naturally with no drugs or pain killers and the birth was a success. I am happy that both she and baby Avery are now home safe and sound. Continuing with the birth story, Erick was there with her, coaching her and supporting her in the birth process. I received text messages by phone as Kelly went to the hospital and then gave birth. I don’t think I will ever erase those messages.

I never really thought much about being a grandmother. It was really not that important to me. I love my two children deeply but whether or not they had children was really up to them. I also have to admit that grandmother means “old” to me and being labelled old is not one of my favorite things! But seeing the first picture of Avery changed all that. It was love at first site. As one of my friends shared with me, it’s like falling in love all over again and I couldn’t agree more. She has stolen my heart from afar and I can’t wait to meet her and hold her and sing to her and tell her what a special person she is and how much I love her. I am now offically Nonna Sussanah! That’s grand mother in italian since Kelly and Erick called me from Italy to tell me they were expectinga baby.

I’ve put this information together for Avery to see when she is a little older. It’s interesting to look at now for those of use who believe that there is more to this world than what we sense with our five sensory physical system. Beleiveing that Avery choose to come here at this place and time with this special earth touching event sends waves of loving energy throughout the unvierse. I am honored and look forward to sharing with her the experience of growing up on Planet Earth. So the following is astrology, name and numerlogy information that I have gleened from friends and the internet and of course my own intuitive powers. I conclude this document with a listing of famous people and events of March 3.

Avery is a Pisces with a Leo ascendant. Picses are the lovers of the astological wheel and Avery is destined to be a very compassionate human. With the Leo ascendant, she will also outwardly express leadership qualities. For chart readers, you can see that this is going to be one complicated and masterful female of the human species.
The following is an email I received from my dear friend Vicki, an ensouled astrologer. I sent her the brith information before Avery had a name.

Susan, Just some quick initial impressions
I believe each soul comes in for a special focus and there will be someone (s) in their life to support them. This is a very special being (your granddaughter) how much will YOU be able to be a part of her life.??? This girl definitely needs a name!!!!!!!!!
Totally fabulous chart---Makes me want to consider living another 40 years just to see what she does with it all
Very intuitive and sensitive
lot of emphasis on relationships, her personal self & image, health and the body
Excellent possibility of the intuitive genius (or the sensitive eccentric) Thank goodness for all that earthy practical grounding in the 5th house (She is going to be practical about having a very very good time in life) ----I just Love the whole pisces Sun //Capricorn Moon-----combination!!!!!
I also love the charts of what could be the so called "new age--for runner" children The brains & awareness of people are transforming & changing; especially the children--
The viel will be very very thin for her between the seen & unseen
Her biggest opportunity or challenge will be in owning this and huge empowered forces in her life
love vicki

As to her name, Avery means sage, counselor, and ruler of elves while Eloise means wise, broad and wide, and Battle Maiden. Again, her name stresses wisdom and leadership and the veil between the seen and unseen worlds will be very thin. She will have a deep love of nature as well as elves and fairies. I must have intuited this since I bought her the fairy sculpture that serves as a night light!

Here is an interpretation of Avery’s name based on numerlogy
Avery’s Soul Urge - The Song of Avery’s Soul - A Deeper Look Into What Motivates Avery
The Soul Urge number has also been called Heart's Desire and Spiritual Urge. It is our secret, innermost longing. Our dream, our motivation, the fuel that energizes our journey. The Soul Urge number reveals what we secretly strive to be or accomplish. Some have said that this number tells us what we have been in previous lifetimes, the accumulated growth of our soul.

You are the essence of individuality and independence. You are intense and convicted when it comes to defending your beliefs, as you never doubt your inner strength and ability to handle any challenge. Many are inspired by your confidence, while others may feel irritated and view it as arrogance. You are likely to attract people and situations that allow you to express this part of yourself or else they will mirror these traits back to you.

Avery’s Personality - The Impression Avery will Make upon the World
The Personality number describes the way we appear to the outside world, the first impression people have of us. We may not even be aware of how we are perceived by others because we are so often focused on our inner world, and many times the inner does not match the outer. Personality gives us a peek at some hidden talents we have. The talents that we use to get along in the world and in some instances, protect us from it. It is likened to a bag of tools (jewels) that we carry with us along the way.

You've got charisma, and a following to prove it. You live by your belief that change is progress, and so there tends to be a quick turn over in your relationships, jobs and even educational interests. You are the proverbial, " jack of all trades-master of none.", and this gives you a multi-dimensionality that befriends you to people of every walk of life. You are colorful in your dress and possess a magnetic sensuality.

Avery’s Expression - Character, Talents and Identity – Avery’s Unique Quality of Consciousness
The Expression number shows us who we truly are, what we came into this life already knowing. This is where we feel most comfortable and how we automatically act. We attract people and situations to us that require our Expression so that they can further evolve. In this way we play the role of teacher. Naturally we are attracted to occupations that we resonate to, so the Expression number can be a strong factor in our choice of a career as well. Our Expression is the vehicle, with all its virtues and vices, that drives us along the path of our Destiny. It is the essence of our identity.

Family and home life are your main interests. You know how to nurture and accept anyone, therefore, many are drawn to you including those that others call, "strays". You have an eye for anything beautiful and your home is sure to reflect this, no matter what your budget is. You are proud of all your possessions and especially of the talents of your family members. Your generous, creative nature makes you the ideal host or guest at a party.
This is a numerolgy reading based on Avery’s birth date.

Avery’s Inner or Soul's Urge: This is spiritual and emotional expression more than physical. It is your heart-felt desires, your incentive, how you look at life. Here are your areas of personal satisfaction.

Number: 1
Usually not very emotional, you are in this life to take action. You want to lead and direct. You are independent at heart and desire to reach your goals by your own efforts and intelligence. You have a strong creative force with many original and interesting ideas. There is much inner strength available to you. Rarely do you shirk responsibilities. You are proud of your abilities and seek opportunities to display your strength and usefulness. Others will respect and help you, like a true leader deserves, so long as you acknowledge and validate the interests and desires of others as well as your own. Be kind and generous, and you can be a recognized leader. You can display conceit and intolerance of people who are considered inferior -- boastful, egotistical, critical, impatient of trifles -- especially when you feel impeded. When you are headstrong, impulsive, or highly willful, you may appear contrary, bossy, dominating, or egotistical. You tend to be impatient with those who are resistant to change. You can be reticent, and can lack self-confidence. Sometimes you won't take a stand for fear of hurting others. Yet, something continually keeps urging you forward. You want your home, spouse, and family to be a credit to you. Overall, you are loyal in friendship, fair in business, a safe leader, and work diligently. You are capable of great accomplishment.

Avery’s Personality: This is physical expression more than spiritual or emotional; your outer self, the way you express when meeting others. It may or may not be the real you.

Number: 5
You are seen as curious, sensual, witty, carefree, capricious, and restless. Monotony does not survive around you. You are adept with words and can entertain new ideas with relish, making you an enjoyable person to be around. You tend to be fashion conscious. You may go to extremes in outerwear (and underwear), just to be daring and watch people's reactions or to be in the limelight. Realize your personality can be stylishly expressed, without overdoing it, and still fit the occasion.

Avery’s Quiescent Self: Stripping away all outside influences, aspirations, ambitions, "shoulds", and "shouldn'ts" -- this is you when you are alone; just you and your dreams..

Number: 5
You travel to all countries of the world and experience the cultures they have to offer. You are fluent in all native languages and thrill with understanding many and varied points of view. Ties and responsibilities are not present. You live for adventure and constant new experience. Your thoughts and pleasure are not predictable, even to yourself, but always relate to learning or experiencing new things.

Avery’s Destiny or Ultimate Goal: This is your desired lifetime accomplishment. It is a key to a useful and happy life, and to feeling fulfillment during your latter days.

Number: 6
You are a humanitarian, like a "cosmic" Mother or Father. People look to you for ideals of love and companionship, charity, truth, justice, and harmony and beauty of surroundings. Your ability to help individuals and humankind is definite and sincere, and you are called upon to do so. Your personal happiness depends on how much good you can do. You find pleasure in rendering assistance to others.
You are happiest with a position of trust and responsibility which you can regulate, harmonize, and adjust to optimum. You are concerned with the care of the old, the training of the young, and the improvement of the entire community. Selfless service pays rich dividends for you.
You are a natural counselor and teacher.

Avery’sLife's Path: Here are clues to what fate has in store for you. It indicates the type of encounters, events, and opportunities you are likely to experience along your physical life path.

Number: 7

Your path is along the lines of research, investigation and mental analysis. This includes meditation and introspection. Your opportunities will often be brought to you without having to go get them. The manifestation of those opportunities tend to have something in common with quiet places away from bustle and confusion.
You work well with theories and fundamentals, seeking wisdom and hidden truths. When you use your own ideas and judgment, dedication, and scientific attitude, along with your intuition, your decisions will enable you to reach your goals.
You can be alone without feeling lonely. You respect intelligence and are continuously accumulating knowledge for yourself. You have an intense reasoning capacity. Others will perceive you as having more warmth and less aloofness when you balance your knowledge and its pursuit with compassion and human sensitivity. That combination inspires wisdom.

People Born on March 3
· 1455 - King John II of Portugal (d. 1495)
· 1520 - Matthias Flacius, Croatian Protestant reformer (d. 1575)
· 1583 - Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury, English diplomat, poet, and philosopher (d. 1648)
· 1589 - Gisbertus Voetius, Dutch theologian (d. 1676)
· 1606 - Edmund Waller, British poet (d. 1687)
· 1652 - Thomas Otway, British dramatist (d. 1685)
· 1678 - Madeleine de Verchères, French Canadian heroine (d. 1747)
· 1778 - Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Hanover (d. 1841)
· 1793 - William Charles Macready, English actor (d. 1873)
· 1800 - Heinrich Georg Bronn, German geologist (d. 1862)
· 1805 - Jonas Furrer, first President of the Swiss Confederation (d. 1861)
· 1831 - George Pullman, American inventor and industrialist (d. 1897)
· 1839 - Jamsetji Tata, Indian industrialist (d. 1904)
· 1845 - Georg Cantor, German mathematician (d. 1918)
· 1847 - Alexander Graham Bell, Scottish inventor (d. 1922)
· 1848 - Adelaide Neilson, English Actress (d. 1880)
· 1851 - Alexandros Papadiamantis, Greek author (d. 1911)
· 1860 - John Montgomery Ward, American baseball player (d. 1925)
· 1863 - Arthur Machen, Welsh-born author (d. 1947)
· 1866 - Fred A. Busse, Mayor of Chicago (d. 1914)
· 1871 - Maurice Garin, French cyclist (d. 1957)
· 1873 - William Green, American labor union leader (d. 1952)
· 1880 - Florence Auer, American actress (d. 1962)
· 1880 - Yōsuke Matsuoka, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan (d. 1946)
· 1883 - Cyril Burt, educational psychologist (d. 1971)
· 1886 - Tore Ørjasæter, Norwegian poet (d. 1968)
· 1890 - Norman Bethune, Canadian doctor and humanitarian (d. 1939)
· 1893 - Beatrice Wood, American artist and ceramicist (d. 1998)
· 1895 - Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch, Norwegian economist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1973)
· 1895 - Matthew Ridgway, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, U.S. Army Chief of Staff (d. 1993)
· 1910 - Kittens Reichert, American silent screen child actor (d. 1990)
· 1911 - Jean Harlow, American actress (d. 1937)
· 1911 - Hugues Lapointe, Canadian politician and Lieutenant governor of Quebec (d. 1982)
· 1918 - Dr. Arthur Kornberg, American Nobel Prize laureate in 1959 for the discovery of DNA polymerase (d. 2007)
· 1918 - Fritz Thiedemann, German equestrian (d. 2000)
· 1920 - Julius Boros, American golfer (d. 1994)
· 1920 - James Doohan, Canadian-born actor (d. 2005)
· 1920 - Ronald Searle, British illustrator
· 1922 - Nándor Hidegkuti, Hungarian footballer (d. 2002)
· 1923 - Barney Martin, American actor (d. 2005)
· 1923 - Doc Watson, American musician
· 1924 - Tomiichi Murayama, former Prime Minister of Japan
· 1924 - Ali Faik Zaghloul, Egyptian radio presenter
· 1926 - Lys Assia, Swiss singer
· 1926 - Joseph Anthony Ferrario, American Catholic prelate (d. 2003)
· 1926 - James Merrill, American poet (d. 1995)
· 1927 - Pierre Aubert, member of the Swiss Federal Council
· 1930 - Heiner Geißler, German politician
· 1930 - Ion Iliescu, President of Romania
· 1933 - Marco Antonio Muñiz, Mexican singer (Los Tres Aces)
· 1933 - Lee Radziwill, American fashion executive
· 1933 - Alfredo Landa, Spanish actor
· 1937 - Bobby Driscoll, American actor (d. 1968)
· 1940 - Germán Castro Caycedo, Colombian writer and journalist
· 1940 - Perry Ellis, fashion designer (d. 1986)
· 1940 - Owen Spencer-Thomas, English broadcaster, journalist and Anglican clergyman
· 1942 - Mike Pender, English singer and guitarist (The Searchers)
· 1945 - George Miller, Australian film director
· 1946 - John Virgo, English snooker player
· 1947 - Jennifer Warnes, American singer and songwriter
· 1947 - Otto Stuppacher, Austrian racing driver (d. 2001)
· 1948 - Snowy White, British guitarist (Thin Lizzy, Pink Floyd)
· 1949 - Jüri Allik, Estonian psychologist
· 1949 - Gloria Hendry, American actress
· 1949 - Jesse Jefferson, American baseball player
· 1950 - Tim Kazurinsky, American actor and comedian
· 1951 - Lindsay Cooper, English musician and composer (Henry Cow, News from Babel)
· 1952 - Dermot Morgan, Irish actor and comedian (d. 1998)
· 1953 - Robyn Hitchcock, British musician
· 1953 - Zico, Brazilian footballer
· 1954 - Édouard Lock, Canadian dance choreographer (La La La Human Steps)
· 1955 - Andy Breckman, American comedian and radio personality
· 1956 - Zbigniew Boniek, Polish footballer
· 1958 - Miranda Richardson, British actress
· 1958 - Marc Silvestri, American comic book artist and publisher (Top Cow Productions)
· 1959 - Ira Glass, American radio host
· 1960 - Neal Heaton, American baseball player
· 1960 - Colin Wells, English cricketer
· 1961 - Perry McCarthy, English racing driver
· 1961 - Mary Page Keller, American actress
· 1961 - Knut Nærum, Norwegian comedian
· 1961 - Fatima Whitbread, English javelin thrower
· 1962 - Jackie Joyner-Kersee, American athlete
· 1962 - Glen E. Friedman, American photographer and artist
· 1962 - Herschel Walker, American football player
· 1963 - Sophia Aliberti, Greek actress and TV presenter
· 1964 - Raúl Alcalá, Mexican cyclist
· 1964 - Laura Harring, Mexican-born American actress
· 1964 - Duncan Phillips, Australian drummer (Newsboys)
· 1966 - Fernando Colunga, Mexican actor
· 1966 - Timo Tolkki, Finnish musician (Stratovarius)
· 1966 - Tone Lōc, American rapper and actor
· 1968 - Brian Leetch, American ice hockey player
· 1969 - Simon Whitlock, Australian Darts Player
· 1970 - Julie Bowen, American actress
· 1970 - Inzamam-ul-Haq, Pakistani cricketer
· 1971 - Tyler Florence, chef, Food Network personality, & cookbook author
· 1972 - Darren Anderton, English footballer
· 1973 - Romāns Vainšteins, Latvian cyclist
· 1973 - Matthew Marsden, English actor and singer
· 1973 - Victoria Zdrok, Ukrainian model
· 1974 - David Faustino, American actor
· 1976 - Fraser Gehrig, Australian rules footballer
· 1977 - Ronan Keating, Irish singer
· 1977 - Stéphane Robidas, Canadian ice hockey player
· 1978 - Matt Diaz, American baseball player
· 1978 - Seomoon Tak, Korean singer
· 1979 - Patrick Renna, American actor
· 1979 - Alex Zane, English comedian
· 1980 - Mason Unck, American football player
· 1981 - Dusty Dvoracek, American football player
· 1981 - Kim Yoo-Jin (Eugene), South Korean singer and actress
· 1981 - Lil' Flip, American rapper
· 1981 - Emmanuel Pappoe, Ghanaian footballer
· 1981 - Sung Yu Ri, South Korean singer and actress
· 1982 - Jessica Biel, American actress
· 1985 - Sam Morrow, Northern Irish footballer
· 1986 - Stacie Orrico, American singer
· 1992 - Madison Cross, American singer and actress

Histoircal Events on March 3
· 1575 - Indian Mughal Emperor Akbar defeats Bengali army at the Battle of Tukaroi.
· 1585 - The Olympic Theatre, designed by Andrea Palladio, is inaugurated in Vicenza.
· 1791 - The United States Mint is created by the Congress of the United States.
· 1803 - Colégio Militar is founded in Portugal by Colonel Teixeira Rebello.
· 1817 - The Alabama Territory is created by splitting the Mississippi Territory.
· 1820 - The U.S. Congress passes the Missouri Compromise.
· 1845 - Florida is admitted as the 27th U.S. state.
· 1845 - For the first time the U.S. Congress passes legislation overriding a presidential veto.
· 1849 - The United States Department of the Interior is established.
· 1849 - The U.S. Congress passes the Gold Coinage Act allowing the minting of gold coins.
· 1857 - Second Opium War: France and the United Kingdom declare war on China.
· 1861 - Alexander II of Russia signs the Emancipation Manifesto, freeing serfs.
· 1863 - The Idaho Territory organizes as a political division of the United States.
· 1865 - The U.S. Congress authorizes the formation of the Freedmen's Bureau.
· 1865 - Opening of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, the founding member of the HSBC Group.
· 1873 - Censorship: The U.S. Congress enacts the Comstock Law, making it illegal to send any "obscene, lewd, or lascivious" books through the mail.
· 1875 - Georges Bizet's opera Carmen premieres at the Opéra Comique of Paris.
· 1875 - The first ever organized indoor game of ice hockey is played in Montreal, Canada as recorded in The Montreal Gazette.
· 1877 - Rutherford B. Hayes is privately inaugurated as the 19th President of the United States (his public inauguration coming on March 5).
· 1878 - Bulgaria regains its independence from Ottoman Empire according to the Treaty of San Stefano; shortly after Congress of Berlin stripped its status to an autonomous state of the Ottoman Empire.
· 1879 - The United States Geological Survey is created.
· 1885 - The American Telephone and Telegraph Company is incorporated in New York.
· 1891 - The Penalty Spot Kick rule in Association Football is conceived, but does not come into effect until the next season.
· 1904 - Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany becomes the first person to make a sound recording of a political document, using Thomas Edison's cylinder.
· 1905 - Tsar Nicholas II of Russia agrees to create an elected assembly (the Duma).
· 1910 - Rockefeller Foundation: J.D. Rockefeller Jr. announces his retirement from managing his businesses so that he could devote full time to being a philanthropist.
· 1913 - Establishment of the first football club in Bulgaria - Ticha, now known as PFC "Cherno More".
· 1915 - NACA, the predecessor of NASA founded.
· 1918 - Germany, Austria and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ending Russia's involvement in World War I, and leading to the independence of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.
· 1923 - TIME magazine is published for the first time.
· 1924 - The 1400-year-old Islamic caliphate is abolished when Caliph Abdul Mejid II of the Ottoman Empire is deposed. The last remnant of the old regime gives way to the reformed Turkey of Kemal Atatürk.
· 1931 - The United States officially adopts "The Star-Spangled Banner" as its national anthem.
· 1933 - Mount Rushmore National Memorial is dedicated.
· 1933 - U.S. President Herbert Hoover signs the Norris-LaGuardia Act into law and opening the doors to increased unionization.
· 1938 - Oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia.
· 1939 - In Mumbai, Mohandas Gandhi begins to fast in protest of the autocratic rule in India.
· 1940 - Five people are killed in an arson attack on the offices of the communist newspaper Norrskensflamman in Luleå, Sweden.
· 1942 - World War II: Ten Japanese warplanes raid the town of Broome, Western Australia killing more than 100 people.
· 1943 - World War II: In London, England, 173 people are killed in a crush while trying to enter an air-raid shelter at Bethnal Green tube station.
· 1944 - The Order of Nakhimov and Order of Ushakov were instituted in USSR as the highest naval awards.
· 1945 - World War II: Previously neutral Finland declares war on the Axis powers.
· 1953 - A Canadian Pacific Airlines De Havilland Comet crashes in Karachi, Pakistan killing 11.
· 1958 - Nuri as-Said becomes the prime minister of Iraq for the 14th time.
· 1961 - Hassan II becomes King of Morocco.
· 1969 - Apollo program: NASA launches Apollo 9 to test the lunar module.
· 1971 - Beginning of Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 and India's official entry to the Bangladesh Liberation War in support of Mukti Bahini.
· 1972 - Mohawk Airlines Flight 405 crashes in unexplained circumstances.
· 1974 - Turkish Airlines Flight 981 crashes at Ermenonville near Paris, France killing all 346 aboard.
· 1974 - Roman Catholic and Lutheran officials reach an agreement for eventual reconciliation into one communion, marking the first agreement between the two churches since the Reformation.
· 1976 - 5 workers are killed by the police in a demonstration in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
· 1980 - The USS Nautilus is stricken.
· 1985 - Arthur Scargill declares that the National Union of Mineworkers national executive voted to end the longest-running industrial dispute in Great Britain without any peace deal over pit closures.
· 1985 - Censorship: Women Against Pornography award their "Pig Award" to Huggies Diapers, claiming that the television ads had "crossed the line between eye-catching and porn."
· 1991 - An amateur video captures the beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers.
· 1991 - In two concurring referendums: 74 % of the population of Latvia vote for independence from the Soviet Union, in Estonia - 83 %.
· 1991 - United Airlines Flight 585 crashes on approach into Colorado Springs, Colorado, killing 25.
· 1992 - The nation of Bosnia was established.
· 1997 - The tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere, Sky Tower in downtown Auckland, New Zealand, opens after two-and-a-half years of construction.
· 2002 - Citizens of Switzerland narrowly vote in favor of their country becoming a member of the United Nations.
· 2004 - Belgian brewer Interbrew and Brazilian rival AmBev agreed to merge in a $11.2 billion deal that formed InBev, the world's largest brewer.
· 2005 - Mayerthorpe Incident: James Roszko murders four Royal Canadian Mounted Police constables during a drug bust at his property in Rochfort Bridge, Alberta, then commits suicide. It is the deadliest peace-time incident for the RCMP since 1885 and the North-West Rebellion.
· 2005 - Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly an airplane around the world solo without any stops without refueling - a journey of 40,234 km/25,000 mi completed in 67 hours and 2 minutes.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

On being 6 Years Old

When I was 6 years old I got a horse for my birthday and a black English racer bike. My parents took me and several friends to the circus. It was quite a birthday. I can remember my neighbor, Beth Shafter walking up the road to my home with Jean in halter and handing me the lead. It was love at first sight. Jean was to be my best friend and confidant for the next 15 years.
I had wanted a horse ever since I first rode Jean at the Shafers. Britta, Beth’s daughter let me ride jean every time I came for a visit. In fact it was one of the major reasons why I wanted to visit Britta so much. Beth must have seen the love I had for Jean and the longing I had at such an early age for a horse. Britta and I would be friends throughout elementary school and then when junior high came, she would go to a different school and out of my life forever.
Jean would be with me for many more years. I started out riding her with just her halter and a hay bay twine tied underneath her chin. She was a beautiful chestnut color with black mane and tail and I loved to brush her coat and comb her mane and tail. It was a pre-riding ritual for the two of us. It wasn’t long before I acquired a real bridle and saddle. We would go for long rides at every chance and I would talk and sing to her as we rode through the woods of the Moyaone Reserve.
My Dad loved to sing and would teach us all the tunes he knew from his youth and young adulthood. He loved to teach us songs as we rode in the car. It was one of his favorite pastimes and we loved to learn his songs and sing too. I would practice all these songs riding on Jean and she would twitch her ears back to listen as I sang. It was such a great sense of freedom to ride and sing and breath in the surrounding nature. The woods were beautiful at all times of the year. I especially loved spring when all the wild flowers would spring out of the ground. It became a game to go riding just to see the newest flowers that decked out the floor of the forests and edges of streambeds that Jean and I would explore. The forest would become my ally and serve as a refuge in times of happiness and disappointment. Growing up is filled with such a range of emotions and the trees took them in and swallowed them and let me move on in my life and jean was right there with me.
I can still remember that cold, star filled winter night. I was only 6 but I can still see the blue black night sky filled with stars. I was sitting on Jean’s back in the driveway and looking up at the sky mesmerized by all the stars. It was in that moment that I knew I was part of something much larger. Even at such a young age, I was filled with an awe and wonder. I sat on Jean’s back for a long time just staring up at the sky and feeling the universe cradle me in her arms. Jean and I dissolved into nothingness and we traveled through the universe deep into space and timelessness. It was the first time I remember wondering who I really was and what I was doing here. What was my purpose? The peace and joy of that moment still sits insides me and moves me to explore the deeper meaning and purpose of my being. And although Jean has long passed, she is here with me too, breathing warm air on my neck and encouraging me to keep moving and exploring and riding through the forests of my life’s path. There are wild flowers springing up and new trails and streams to explore with each moment. Jean opened my heart to the universe and my soul and as I travel my cosmic chart she is nosing me on to open to deeper and wilder spaces inside myself where all creation exists and waits to be uncovered through words.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Susan's Trip to Oklahoma

Having birthdays isn't what it used to be! Now living by myself, I wanted to celebrate my birthday but was having a difficult time deciding the best way to do it. As September drew closer I got a great idea. My great niece, Sarah, was celebrating her first birthday on September 6th and my birthday was the 9th. I hadn't gotten to meet Sarah since her birth and I hadn't seen James and Eli, her brothers, since my trip to Florida several years ago. So I called Rebecca and confirmed dates and went on line to Orbitz and got my ticket. I am so glad I did as I had a wonderful trip.
I arrived in Oklahoma city late Saturday night, the 8th and Rebecca picked me up. We had some time in the car to catch up before arriving at their home and I so enjoyed the private time with Rebecca. I discovered over the next few days what a wonderful and loving mother Rebecca was and how much I enjoyed her company.
On Sunday, I woke up to the children playing and a tour of their home. What a great place to raise children. Lots of room inside and out and lots of places to play. Sunday was a day of swimming, football catch, basketball, chasing Sarah as she pulled everything she could reach out of the kitchen cabinets, playing games with James and Eli, piano practices for James and Eli and a night out at their favorite local pizza place. I want to note that they commented on how Art, their grandfather, had cleaned up playing monopoly with them on a previous visit! I was also amazed with Eli's knowledge of all the monopoly property purchase and rental prices! He knew them all from memory. James was fantastic on the piano and a whiz on the computer. These children are so talented.

We got home to a birthday celebration for me and Sarah practicing holding up one finger when asked how old she was! We would ask her how old she was, Eli or James would coach her, she would hold up one finger, and then we would clap or beat on the table to acknowledge her accomplishment. It resulted in lots of laughing and lots of asking how old she was. This ritual continued for the rest of my trip, much to the delight of Sarah!

James and Eli are such bright and funny little boys and so smart! I guess I can't say that enough! I so enjoyed playing with them and reading stories to them at bedtime. It was also great to see Jamie get to relax and even get a jog in on a pleasant Sunday afternoon. I can see how hard he works as a doctor and I was glad to see him relax and enjoy his home and his family.

I fell asleep Sunday night after getting to read a book I'd been trying to read for months. It was the first time in a long time where I just took a day to play and read. I didn't think about work once!!!!!
Monday brought school for James and gymnastics for Eli. I got to see James get on his bus to school and then off to gymnastics for Eli. I sat in a room full of moms watching Sarah walk everywhere and Eli running and climbing and working out on the rings. I was amazed with his agility on the rings as he was able to swing his body all the way around and dismount. I bought Sarah a summer shorts outfit with Nike on the butt! It was the perfect outfit for the gym.

We drove home in time to go join James at school for lunch. I also got a tour of his beautiful new school and marvelled at the new library, "the media room", and both James' and the Eli's
classrooms. Eli even has his own private playground for his class. We left to go home and get Eli ready for his time at school. Rebecca doesn't get to slow down at all so the time between 1:00 and 3:00 that afternoon was a welcome time to work on the computer and have Sarah take a nap. I got to read and work on putting together a solar toy I brought for James and Eli. They were delighted to see it work with sun power when they got home from school.
Jamie came home before the boys and went out for a run. It gave the boys a big laugh to see their Dad out running as the bus brought them home. Monday nights is karate night so it was dinner and off again! Rebecca is a great cook. I loved her eggs for breakfast and the chicken cutlets and mashed sweet potatoes for dinner. Seems like this family is always in movement and Monday was no different. After dinner the boys got dressed for karate and off we went.

The boys really love karate and practice everyday. Jamie oversees the sessions of workouts at home where the boys do sets of sit ups and push ups. I think they will be adding jumping jacks to the list! At karate practice the boys showed how well these workouts at home paid off as they did the same workouts at the karate studio. After the warm ups, they started practicing all the karate moves and I've captured them both in action in pictures here on this blog. What fun they were having moving their bodies and pressing themselves to do it right. Sarah sat with me, Jamie and Rebecca and especially enjoyed chewing on my cell phone case!

After Karate, we went for ice cream and I have to say I haven't had black walnut ice cream in a very long time. I shared my story about my great uncle Sam who used to bring my mother breyer's black walnut ice cream every time he came to visit us at the farm in Accokeek when I was growing up. Rebecca has given my the title of family historian since I like to share family history.
After ice cream, we went back home to get ready for bed. I once again got to read to Eli and James and feel invested in their current book about Poppy and Rye and this story about mice and beavers trying to live together. I found it funny that the beavers represented "development" at any cost while the mice were trying to preserve their neighborhood. Can't get away from politics no matter where I go!!!!
I had to say goodbye to Jamie on Monday night as he would be at work when I left on Tuesday. I loved to watch Jamie with his children to see all the love he has for them. Being a parent is never easy and Jamie is really trying to his best for his family.
Tuesday started with saying goodbye to James as he left for school. I then had time to see Eli's computer skills as he introduced me to his webkinz site. I guess I am going to have to get one myself so I can keep up as well as email the boys. I'm sure Sarah will be on the computer soon! James had already show me his webkinz on Monday afternoon so Eli was really glad to have his turn.
It seemed like my short trip to Oklahoma had flown by in a blink. It was already Tuesday and I was packing to leave while Eli practiced the piano and Sarah pulled more stuff out of the cabinets! We had lunch and then took Eli to school before leaving for the airport. It was nice to see Oklahoma City in the daylight. From Rebecca's description of the renovations that are occurring, Oklahoma City is a place I'd like to return to and explore more on the next visit.
As the plane left the runway I had pictures of the boys playing, Sarah walking around, Jamie taking a run and Rebecca in the kitchen getting another meal ready. I so enjoyed my visit and the hope to return again next year for Sarah's second birthday. Maybe we've started a family tradition.

Welcome to Susan's Blog

I have decided to join family members Liz & Rick, Art & Jane, and Rebecca and Jamie in creating my own Blogspot to share stories and pictures of life from Morro Bay.
I live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. I rent a small, old house with a large front yard and a big deck in the back. It's been a labor of love to plant flowers and trees and have a small vegetable garden. The weather is perfect for cool weather vegetables like snow peas, radishes, and swiss chard. Not so good for tomatoes! I also have a variety of orchids and african violets inside the house. My latest indoors plants are two plumeria's a friend brought me from Hawaii.

One of the nice features of my home is that I can hear the surf hitting the beach at night from my bedroom window. The beach is less than 1/4 mile away.
Morro Bay is one of last small towns by the Pacific and life is quiet and slow. I enjoy going to the farmers market on Saturday afternoons and going to the embarcadero on Sundays Mondays to La Parisienne for fabulous pastries and coffee and reading the LA times. We also have an excellent fish market, Dockside Sales, where I by fresh fish, shrimp and oysters to barbecue. Seems like there is always a street faire or special event going on here to bring in tourists and entertain the locals.
During the week I manage a company called Pacific Energy Company. We are the oldest retailer of Solar electric products on the Central coast and the premier store for clean burning, energy efficient fireplaces, stoves, and inserts. We also sell all the hearth accessories like mantles, hearthpads, tools, screens, cleaners, paint -everything you need to complete your hearth project. My work keeps me extremely busy as I handle all the finances, advertising, personnel, and inventory management for the business. Right now I am working on a new web site, installing a new computer accounting system, and a new advertising campaign. Of course we have also moved into "season" for hearth products with our first cool days of fall.
My interests include my adult stepchildren, Erick and Kimberley, my cats, political participation, travel, writing , gardening and living as a conscious being on this small blue planet.
Erick is a political consultant who lives in Washington DC with his wife Kelly and dog shiloh. In 1989, I took Erick and Kim and their Dad to Washington DC for a visit and Erick never came back! Through the grace and support of my mother, Erick worked and went to school and thrived on the east coast and developed a love a politicis that led him into his career. As expected we talk politics a lot! Erick has just shared that he and Kelly are about to have a baby, early March 08, and I'm to become a grandmother. I much prefer the italian version of the title, noni, and look forward to teaching my future grandchild this italian title!

Kimberly is a delight and I'm so glad she lives closer than the east coast. She lives in San diego and works for an upstart entrpreneur who specializes in high end baby clothes. She has also just started college and I couldn't be prouder of her choice. She and her special other, Billy live close to the beach and enjoy surfing on the weekends when they have time.

My cat Simon, is amazing and large. He weighs in around 19 pounds so I have had to start feeding him mature cat food. He is quite agile for his size and he loves to run around the house and play with his cat toys. I love his company and unconditional love. My other cat flash needs a lot of room and my house is just too small for him. He loves to perch on high places as well. Having found ways to escape my home several times and scaring me! because he is deaf, I have moved him back to Jerry's care at the Pacific Street house. He seems to thrive there and as much as I miss him, I'm happy that he is happier there. I also seem to have adopted a stray that I have named Bobby. He is a gray tabby and quite a talker. For now he is an outdoor cat until I can figure out what to do with him. I don't think Simon will be all that hapy with his company!
Political season has started early and I'm helping Adam Hill run for county supervisor and continue to lobby for viewshed protection in Cayucos and controlling mansionization in Morro Bay. I'm still trying to figure out my next trip - would love to go to Europe but Central America always calls to me. I continue to work on my personal process of living on planet earth as a soulful being with the help of my friends and teachers, Conrad and Ilene Satala.
I hope you enjoy my musings from time to time as I add new posts from time to time. Stay tuned for pictures of my soon to be first grandchild!