I have decided to join family members Liz & Rick, Art & Jane, and Rebecca and Jamie in creating my own Blogspot to share stories and pictures of life from Morro Bay.
I live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. I rent a small, old house with a large front yard and a big deck in the back. It's been a labor of love to plant flowers and trees and have a small vegetable garden. The weather is perfect for cool weather vegetables like snow peas, radishes, and swiss chard. Not so good for tomatoes! I also have a variety of orchids and african violets inside the house. My latest indoors plants are two plumeria's a friend brought me from Hawaii.

One of the nice features of my home is that I can hear the surf hitting the beach at night from my bedroom window. The beach is less than 1/4 mile away.
Morro Bay is one of last small towns by the Pacific and life is quiet and slow. I enjoy going to the farmers market on Saturday afternoons and going to the embarcadero on Sundays Mondays to La Parisienne for fabulous pastries and coffee and reading the LA times. We also have an excellent fish market, Dockside Sales, where I by fresh fish, shrimp and oysters to barbecue. Seems like there is always a street faire or special event going on here to bring in tourists and entertain the locals.
During the week I manage a company called Pacific Energy Company. We are the oldest retailer of Solar electric products on the Central coast and the premier store for clean burning, energy efficient fireplaces, stoves, and inserts. We also sell all the hearth accessories like mantles, hearthpads, tools, screens, cleaners, paint -everything you need to complete your hearth project. My work keeps me extremely busy as I handle all the finances, advertising, personnel, and inventory management for the business. Right now I am working on a new web site, installing a new computer accounting system, and a new advertising campaign. Of course we have also moved into "season" for hearth products with our first cool days of fall.
My interests include my adult stepchildren, Erick and Kimberley, my cats, political participation, travel, writing , gardening and living as a conscious being on this small blue planet.
Erick is a political consultant who lives in Washington DC with his wife Kelly and dog shiloh. In 1989, I took Erick and Kim and their Dad to Washington DC for a visit and Erick never came back! Through the grace and support of my mother, Erick worked and went to school and thrived on the east coast and developed a love a politicis that led him into his career. As expected we talk politics a lot! Erick has just shared that he and Kelly are about to have a baby, early March 08, and I'm to become a grandmother. I much prefer the italian version of the title, noni, and look forward to teaching my future grandchild this italian title!

Kimberly is a delight and I'm so glad she lives closer than the east coast. She lives in San diego and works for an upstart entrpreneur who specializes in high end baby clothes. She has also just started college and I couldn't be prouder of her choice. She and her special other, Billy live close to the beach and enjoy surfing on the weekends when they have time.

My cat Simon, is amazing and large. He weighs in around 19 pounds so I have had to start feeding him mature cat food. He is quite agile for his size and he loves to run around the house and play with his cat toys. I love his company and unconditional love. My other cat flash needs a lot of room and my house is just too small for him. He loves to perch on high places as well. Having found ways to escape my home several times and scaring me! because he is deaf, I have moved him back to Jerry's care at the Pacific Street house. He seems to thrive there and as much as I miss him, I'm happy that he is happier there. I also seem to have adopted a stray that I have named Bobby. He is a gray tabby and quite a talker. For now he is an outdoor cat until I can figure out what to do with him. I don't think Simon will be all that hapy with his company!
Political season has started early and I'm helping Adam Hill run for county supervisor and continue to lobby for viewshed protection in Cayucos and controlling mansionization in Morro Bay. I'm still trying to figure out my next trip - would love to go to Europe but Central America always calls to me. I continue to work on my personal process of living on planet earth as a soulful being with the help of my friends and teachers, Conrad and Ilene Satala.
I hope you enjoy my musings from time to time as I add new posts from time to time. Stay tuned for pictures of my soon to be first grandchild!
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