Having birthdays isn't what it used to be! Now living by myself, I wanted to celebrate my birthday but was having a difficult time deciding the best way to do it. As September drew closer I got a great idea. My great niece, Sarah, was celebrating her first birthday on September 6th and my birthday was the 9th. I hadn't gotten to meet Sarah since her birth and I hadn't seen James and Eli, her brothers, since my trip to Florida several years ago. So I called Rebecca and confirmed dates and went on line to Orbitz and got my ticket. I am so glad I did as I had a wonderful trip.
I arrived in Oklahoma city late Saturday night, the 8th and Rebecca picked me up. We had some time in the car to catch up before arriving at their home and I so enjoyed the private time with Rebecca. I discovered over the next few days what a wonderful and loving mother Rebecca was and how much I enjoyed her company.
On Sunday, I woke up to the children playing and a tour of their home. What a great place to raise children. Lots of room inside and out and lots of places to play. Sunday was a day of swimming, football catch, basketball, chasing Sarah as she pulled everything she could reach out of the kitchen cabinets, playing games with James and Eli, piano practices for James and Eli and a night out at their favorite local pizza place. I want to note that they commented on how Art, their grandfather, had cleaned up playing monopoly with them on a previous visit! I was also amazed with Eli's knowledge of all the monopoly property purchase and rental prices! He knew them all from memory. James was fantastic on the piano and a whiz on the computer. These children are so talented.

We got home to a birthday celebration for me and Sarah practicing holding up one finger when asked how old she was! We would ask her how old she was, Eli or James would coach her, she would hold up one finger, and then we would clap or beat on the table to acknowledge her accomplishment. It resulted in lots of laughing and lots of asking how old she was. This ritual continued for the rest of my trip, much to the delight of Sarah!

James and Eli are such bright and funny little boys and so smart! I guess I can't say that enough! I so enjoyed playing with them and reading stories to them at bedtime. It was also great to see Jamie get to relax and even get a jog in on a pleasant Sunday afternoon. I can see how hard he works as a doctor and I was glad to see him relax and enjoy his home and his family.

I fell asleep Sunday night after getting to read a book I'd been trying to read for months. It was the first time in a long time where I just took a day to play and read. I didn't think about work once!!!!!
Monday brought school for James and gymnastics for Eli. I got to see James get on his bus to school and then off to gymnastics for Eli. I sat in a room full of moms watching Sarah walk everywhere and Eli running and climbing and working out on the rings. I was amazed with his agility on the rings as he was able to swing his body all the way around and dismount. I bought Sarah a summer shorts outfit with Nike on the butt! It was the perfect outfit for the gym.

We drove home in time to go join James at school for lunch. I also got a tour of his beautiful new school and marvelled at the new library, "the media room", and both James' and the Eli's
classrooms. Eli even has his own private playground for his class. We left to go home and get Eli ready for his time at school. Rebecca doesn't get to slow down at all so the time between 1:00 and 3:00 that afternoon was a welcome time to work on the computer and have Sarah take a nap. I got to read and work on putting together a solar toy I brought for James and Eli. They were delighted to see it work with sun power when they got home from school.
Jamie came home before the boys and went out for a run. It gave the boys a big laugh to see their Dad out running as the bus brought them home. Monday nights is karate night so it was dinner and off again! Rebecca is a great cook. I loved her eggs for breakfast and the chicken cutlets and mashed sweet potatoes for dinner. Seems like this family is always in movement and Monday was no different. After dinner the boys got dressed for karate and off we went.

The boys really love karate and practice everyday. Jamie oversees the sessions of workouts at home where the boys do sets of sit ups and push ups. I think they will be adding jumping jacks to the list! At karate practice the boys showed how well these workouts at home paid off as they did the same workouts at the karate studio. After the warm ups, they started practicing all the karate moves and I've captured them both in action in pictures here on this blog. What fun they were having moving their bodies and pressing themselves to do it right. Sarah sat with me, Jamie and Rebecca and especially enjoyed chewing on my cell phone case!

After Karate, we went for ice cream and I have to say I haven't had black walnut ice cream in a very long time. I shared my story about my great uncle Sam who used to bring my mother breyer's black walnut ice cream every time he came to visit us at the farm in Accokeek when I was growing up. Rebecca has given my the title of family historian since I like to share family history.
After ice cream, we went back home to get ready for bed. I once again got to read to Eli and James and feel invested in their current book about Poppy and Rye and this story about mice and beavers trying to live together. I found it funny that the beavers represented "development" at any cost while the mice were trying to preserve their neighborhood. Can't get away from politics no matter where I go!!!!
I had to say goodbye to Jamie on Monday night as he would be at work when I left on Tuesday. I loved to watch Jamie with his children to see all the love he has for them. Being a parent is never easy and Jamie is really trying to his best for his family.
Tuesday started with saying goodbye to James as he left for school. I then had time to see Eli's computer skills as he introduced me to his webkinz site. I guess I am going to have to get one myself so I can keep up as well as email the boys. I'm sure Sarah will be on the computer soon! James had already show me his webkinz on Monday afternoon so Eli was really glad to have his turn.
It seemed like my short trip to Oklahoma had flown by in a blink. It was already Tuesday and I was packing to leave while Eli practiced the piano and Sarah pulled more stuff out of the cabinets! We had lunch and then took Eli to school before leaving for the airport. It was nice to see Oklahoma City in the daylight. From Rebecca's description of the renovations that are occurring, Oklahoma City is a place I'd like to return to and explore more on the next visit.
As the plane left the runway I had pictures of the boys playing, Sarah walking around, Jamie taking a run and Rebecca in the kitchen getting another meal ready. I so enjoyed my visit and the hope to return again next year for Sarah's second birthday. Maybe we've started a family tradition.
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